10 Tough Climate Questions for the Presidential Debate

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In the light of the climate change that is unraveling itself with unprecedented velocity, greater consciousness, and clarity, leaders must seize this global crisis as a challenge.

In the upcoming presidential debate, here are 10 tough climate questions that every candidate should answer:In the upcoming presidential debate, here are 10 tough climate questions that every candidate should answer:

What’s your plan to achieve net-zero emissions?

With the IPCC stating that if global temperatures are raised beyond 1°C, the damage to climate is irreversible. Here, more specifically at 5°C, candidates have to describe a clear strategy. How are you planning to make the U.S. achieve its net-zero emission by 2050, or even earlier? Finally, what other sub-goals will you achieve as an organization to ensure that progress made is real and can be quantified?

How will you handle fossil fuel interests?

The fossil fuel industry is one of the leading emitters and it is always known to fund political campaigns. Well, tell us, how are you going to block formidable oil and gas lobbying? Do you favor steps such as phasing out subsidies for fossil fuels or imposing a halt on new leases of oil and gas on public land?

What’s your stance on carbon pricing?

Today, leading members of the economics community are rather unanimous in claiming that carbon pricing instruments, such as carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems, can deliver the necessary level of emissions reductions. You have mentioned that you are generally in favour of carbon pricing and that the final phase includes carbon tax introduction What measures are you going to take to ensure that this does not adversely affect the low-income people?

How will you address climate justice and equity?

The ill-effects of climate change are most severe in developing countries of the third world and other low-income regions, while they make the least contribution towards this issue. In your capacity as a climate leader, how can you make sure that climate solutions factor in social justice, racism, economic oppression, and frontline communities?.

What role will renewable energy play in your economic plan?

The shift to clean energy economy is one of the best ways of creating ample employment in the economy. How will you invest in them or focus on them, such as wind, solar, and other forms of renewable energy sources? What measures do you have in the pipeline to provide for retraining of workers from the fossil fuel industries for a just transition?

How will you protect biodiversity?

The world is currently going through a process of the sixth mass extinction, which is a result of human actions and climate change. What measures would you prefer as regards slices that should be protected, such as rain forests, wetlands, and coral reefs, for effective regulation of climatic change?

What’s your strategy for climate adaptation?

This means that even with stepped-up efforts in reducing emissions, a certain extent of impact on climate will always be realized. How will you assure the country’s readiness for adverse temperatures, fluctuations in sea level, as well as other unfavourable conditions in the climate? Do you intend to expand the financing for increased disaster preparedness as well as climate-adaptive infrastructure?

How will you reassert U.S. leadership on global climate policy?

The U.S. has played a central role in international climate negotiations, but confidence in the country has eroded in the last couple of years. Correspondingly, how will you re-establish these partnerships, especially with developing states, and re-establish believability to bodies such as the Paris Accord?

What will you do about climate disinformation?

Climate skeptics and their allies have not ceased to spread misleading information regarding the unfolding climate crisis. How will your administration fight this misinformation, and will you make corporate actors responsible for encouraging insidious myths about climate science?

How will you fund your climate initiatives?

How will you finance your climate change goals? To be precise, drastic action for climate change entails a big spend. What will be the source of funds for purchasing policies such as an increase in usage of clean energy, adaptation and improvement measures, and green infrastructure schemes? Will you increase taxes, rebalance the already existing funds, or find new financial tools to finance these pressing needs?



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