Silent Killer: Understanding The Risks Of Extreme Heat

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It is a killer that is often overlooked until the worst happens, and that is the case with extreme heat. Since climate change is bringing about global warming, heat waves have become more frequent and intense, thus becoming a menace to society.

Heat kills, unlike hurricanes or floods, which give clear indications of impending doom and always pose the greatest risks to society’s most vulnerable members.

 The Science Behind Heatwaves

Others are conditions where areas are exposed to the highest temperatures for several days or weeks, or high temperatures combined with high humidity. These conditions can electrically challenge the capacity of the body to correct the internal temperature of the body, and so many other related diseases occur. The body, when exposed to extremely high temperatures, attempts to regulate heat by sweating.

On the other hand, while the human body has a natural way of cooling through sweating, in high humidity, the sweat cannot evaporate, hence failing to cool the body. Therefore, the body temperature increases to extremely dangerous levels, which results in illnesses such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

 Heat Stress and its relation to Diseases

Heat stress, however, is a hazard in society that has an impact on everyone, but some populations are at greater risk than others. Others include old people, children, and individuals with chronic diseases, which are known to have impaired thermoregulatory mechanisms.

Further, the warnings indicate that workers who are exposed to the sun or people who live in poorly ventilated or air-conditioned environments suffer from heat illnesses.

 Heat exhaustion is one of the more generic heat illnesses known to the public and healthcare practitioners. The signs and symptoms include excessive sweating, exhaustion, lightheadedness, vomiting, and head aches.

In the event that heat exhaustion is left untreated, it will advance to heat stroke, which is a fatal condition that includes the following symptoms: a body temperature of 104°F (40°C), confusion, unconsciousness, or even death.

Furthermore, heat stress worsens other chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. For instance, heat can cause more work load on the heart so as to cause heart attacks or exacerbate AHD symptoms. As with air pollution, heat also affects people with asthma and other respiratory problems; for instance, it only takes exposure to hot temperatures to worsen the conditions.

These Are the Untold Effects on the Health of the Mind

And again, extreme heat is not only a problem that research has connected with physical health. Other research has also established that high temperatures, especially in the summer, have a destructive effect on mental health. Extreme temperatures, such as heat waves, increased the risk of some mood disorders, anxiety, and even suicidal tendencies among patients.

This pressure often results in high levels of frustration and a lack of sleep, especially for those who cannot access any form of cooling, as well as a potential lowering of one’s ability to think.

 Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses

Knowledge of hazards that are associated with elevated temperatures is, however, essential in preventing adverse effects. It is also advisable to avoid carrying out activities when the heat is intense by ensuring one takes enough water, wearing lightweight clothing, and avoiding other forms of heat stress.

Older adults and people with chronic diseases should remain in their surroundings through the use of air conditioners or in public cooling shelters.

Other roles that societies can have regarding heat and its consequences are early warning systems, improving awareness, and accessibility to cooling.

Heat can be reduced in intensity or the rate at which it is felt in urban areas through the efficient design of buildings as well as the number of planted trees and the use of reflective materials.


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