Can you spray alcohol on plants?

4 Min Read

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Some gardeners find that applying alcohol to plants helps keep pests under control, but this has to be done carefully.

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, works for pests such as aphids, mealy bugs, and spider mites since it dissolves their outer layer and dries them up.

How to Use Alcohol Safely on Plants:How to Use Alcohol Safely on Plants:

Dilution is Key

 It is strongly recommended not to use sheer alcohol on the plants. It should be mixed with water, preferably in an alcohol/water solution where the alcohol should be the basis and the quantity of water should be at least seven times the amount of alcohol (depending on the strength of the alcohol, typically a 70% solution of alcohol that has been diluted to about 10% is appropriate).

softer,There are kinds of plants that are softer and gentle scrubbing is adequate; if necessary, the concentration can be gradually increased.

Test First

 It is always recommended to first ‘spot test’ the alcoholic solution on a portion of the plant. Take a little of it and apply it to a few leaves, and then follow after 24–48 hours to check for signs of harm. Leaves that look brown, curled, or in any way unhealthy should not be treated by the application of alcohol.

Targeted Application

Target the parts of the plant rather than the whole plant. This reduces harm that could be inflicted on the plant while pin pointing the pests.

Avoid Sun Exposure

It is also recommended that after applying alcohol, this part of the plant not be exposed to direct sunlight because it may take time to dry up. Alcohol may cause leathery leaves if such a plant is exposed to light while the leaves are still wet.

When It is Not Adequate to Drink Alcohol:

 Delicate Plants

There are certain kinds of foliage that are very sensitive to alcohol, even when it has been dissolved in water; some plants with thin and delicate leaves are easily affected, including ferns and African violets.

In some instances, it is preferable to look at other options for eradication rather than using the above-mentioned insect killing techniques.

Frequent Use

 Pest control using alcohol is not effective in the long run as the alcohol will also leech out oils necessary for protection and cause water-loss on the plants. This method should only be used when required, not as a normal procedure.


Alcohol is, however, not encouraging to those who prefer non-alcoholic methods of pest control; other methods include insecticidal soaps, neem oil, and even a mere water spray to get rid of pests.

Still, each has its advantages and disadvantages, and some may be less harsh on your plants than alcohol.

Overall, the use of alcohol spray is good for controlling pests affecting the plants, but it should be diluted and used in the right proportion so that it does not affect the plants.

Always test first on a small piece of skin on your body, and ideally use it instead of a spray—more like paint.


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