Which Way Should Solar Panels Point?

6 Min Read

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People are fully aware of the fact that solar panels are able to produce electricity in a most efficient manner only when they are exposed to direct sunlight.

Hemisphere. Hemisphere. Hence, the angle and direction at which the panels are installed greatly determine there efficiency. It is recommended that for most places in the Northern Hemisphere, the solar panels should be installed in the south direction.

true. true. Such orientation enables the panels to capture the maximum amount of the sunlight during the day. However, in the southern hemisphere, the same holds true, and therefore the panels should be installed towards the north.

panels, Tilt angle is also another important factor that defines the orientation of the panels, as you notice how the panels are placed in a hillier area as compared to a flat surface to capture more solar energy. Usually, the tilt angle should be equal to the specific place’s latitude.

For example, if a location is at 40 degrees latitude, then the solar panels should be inclined and placed at an angle of 40 degrees. This will help in placing the panels in the best position so that they will be able to capture as much sunlight as possible all year round.

The Basics: Understanding Solar Panel Orientation

Although having a constant tilt towards the south might produce great results for most areas, it is even possible to alter the slope of the solar panels according to the seasons. It may be more appropriate to use a flatter tilt angle if it is summer and the sun is much higher up in the sky.

On the other hand, during the winter period when the sun is relatively low, a steeper tilt will be useful in enabling the gadget to capture more of the sun’s rays.

In fact, for the homeowners and businesses that can physically tilt their solar panels, tilting them seasonally can greatly increase the energy return.

Other features, such as mechanical structures, for example, solar tracking systems that can alter the position of the panel during the day and year, are also worth the investment, especially in areas of high solar irradiation levels. However, it is imperative to factor in the cost of these systems, and they should realize that they are usually costly.

Adjusting for Seasonal Changes

Although the south-facing panels are known to be most effective in countries contained in the northern part of the world, the east- or west-facing panels may be feasible in some cases. Hence, the east-facing panels avail more of the morning solar heat, while the west-facing ones avail more of the afternoon solar heat.

Though it’s true that panels should be installed to face the north, positioning some of the panels to face the east or the west can also be vital, especially to homes or businesses that use a lot of electricity in the morning or late in the afternoon.

However, it must be highlighted that the east and west-facing units are normally less productive in terms of the amount of electricity they produce than the south-facing units. Hence, the angle of orientation concerning these panels should be made based on energy demands and other related aspects of financial quality.

East and West Orientations: Are They Viable?

However, other things, such as the direction in which to shade them and the available roof area, have to be thought through when deciding on how to position solar panels.

Shading in any form by trees, buildings, or even partial shading can have a negative impact on the performance of solar panels. It is for this reason that a place to put the panels has to be one that is exposed to direct sunlight all day.

If space is at a premium, in order to achieve the greatest energy efficiency, it may be necessary to place the collectors on the part of the roof that is only slightly more favorable than the least favorable, which is north. In such situations, a professional will be useful in determining how to develop a system that will produce maximum energy depending on the amount of space available and the amount of shading.

Other Considerations: Shading and Roof Space

The direction in which the solar panels should face depends on certain factors, such as the geographical location of the house, the energy requirement of the house, and shadow effects.

As with most sites in the northern region, the optimum orientation is facing south with the pitch of the panels set at the regional latitude. However, there is also seasonal adjustment; east or west-oriented panels, shade, and roof area also play a role in decision-making.

After analyzing these factors, one can determine the optimum level and quality of the received solar energy to minimize the energy expenses and create the conditions for an environmentally friendly future.



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