The Untamed Wilderness of Surma Valley: Ethiopia’s Hidden Frontier

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Surma Valley is one of the least accessible regions of Africa that is nestled in the south-western part of Ethiopia.

This is the country that hosts the Surma people, a semi-pastoral ethnic group who have special marks inscribed all over the body, especially special attention as regards the lips, where the Surma women wear lip plates.

The Surma Valley region belongs to the larger Omo River area that is well-known for being one of the most culturally conservative areas in Africa and where people’s way of life has remained rather similar to the prehistoric one.

The only way to get to the Surma Valley is not very easy. This area is almost cordoned off as it has terrible roads and little signs of development. The travel also presents itself in the form of road trips where one covers several kilometers on bumpy roads, fords rivers, and moves through some tricky villages.

But for those who would like to exert an effort, then it will be worth the while to witness one of the most purely transformative native tribal destinations in Africa.

Beauty enhancements which can be seen among the Surma are scarification, natural pigments body painting and the lip discs that are commonly used by women. These cultural practices are part of the Surma’s tradition and are usually followed by stick fighting competitions commonly called as ‘donga’. These fights are performed to exhibit power, strength, among other things, and are an integral part of the tribe.

It is also important to note that cultural experiences are not the only things in the Surma Valley; the place is beautiful with nature’s gifts. The physical features include rolling hills, grasslands, and the Omo River, which provides scenery for exploration.

Trekking through the valley, one can observe the lifestyle of the local population of the Surma people and see completely isolated settlements incomparable to anyone else. Get acquainted with the dense vegetation, impenetrable forests, steep cliffs, and the wild nature of the area.

The Surma Valley is still one of the few, if not the only, places left in Africa where people are unknown to tourists and have not been influenced by the outside world. Barren accessibility to the area and the absence of the tourism facilities mean that tourists have the ability to see an actual unique life setting virtually unmarked by the modern world.

For the people who are keen on travelling and exploring something unusual mixing Ethiopian traditions and picturesque nature, Surma Valley will be a valuable experience.


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