Greenland’s Majestic Ilulissat Icefjord: A Frozen Wonder

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Ilulissat Icefjord is a part of the World Heritage Sites situated at the western coast of Greenland. Icefjord is a beautiful natural site, and this region is one of the globe’s most leading glacial areas.

The ice fjord is supplied by the Ilulissat Glacier, the most active on the planet that is currently calving ice at an average of 20 meters daily.

Ilulissat is known for huge icebergs generated from or originating from the ice cap that breaks off and floats as icebergs in the fjord before finally being released to the sea. It consists of giant ice pands or icebergs of up to a few hundred meters high floating in the fjord to give a breathtaking sight.

Being relatively young, the icefjord has vast plates of ice, and the view of these Todrists and giant ice ridges extending up to the surrounding mountains is always an added magnificent bonus for any visitor.

It is therefore evident that the icefjord’s environment was shaped by the continuous movement of the glacier and accumulation of ice, water and weather. The calving process also helps in the formation of large icebergs which are integral part of global climate system both in determining the sea currents and sea levels.

The Ilulissat Icefjord is also significant for its research activities concerned with glaciology as well as climate change and their relation with the loss of ice. Scientists who work in the icefjord use tools to track movement of glaciers and changes in the areas climate and consequences of ice melt.

It has been mentioned that tourists can get engaged in different activities with regards to the Ilulissat Icefjord such as through boats, trekking, and having a professional tour-guide. It is also possible to view icebergs closely and reduce the distance between the observer and object of interest while using boat tours to touch the icefjord. Touring trails are paths that lead tourists to the viewpoints, where one can spot the glacier, icefjord and the rest of the physical environment.

Ilulissat Icefjord is one of the most impressive and active places to observe glacier on earth, therefore; it is one of the fascinating places for tourists and visitors who are intended to explore one of the earth’s most sensitive and stunning glacial features. It seems the icefjord is rich in natural beauty and discoveries and provides thrilling outdoor activities for the tourists.

That is why places like Australia, which actively welcomes explorers and lovers of nature, are perfect for tourists


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