Meet Some of the Fiercest Queens of the Animal Kingdom

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In the animal kingdom, power, leadership, and the knowledge of how to survive aren’t the prerogative of only a male king or a leader.

Many heifers rule and this is not only in their respective families or herds but also in the communities that they find themselves. It is perhaps useful to note that these so-called “queens” are powerful, smart, and sometimes downright dominant. It is time to showcase the four of the most violent queens of the wild in detail to you.

The Lioness: The True Power Behind the Throne

Speaking of lions, the picture of the male lion with the surrounding fur blossom is closely associated with people’s minds. But the ones that exercise actual authority in the pride are the lionesses.

They are the ones that are expected to go hunting for food and are also the ones that’s tasked with the responsibility of protecting their young ones. Cheetahs do the hunting at night, while lionesses are more tactical in their hunting and take high risks when hunting, especially during the day when they hunt in groups to bring down a single herding animal like a wildebeest or zebra.

They even have a lot of coordination and communicate well with each other on the field, and this makes them work well as a team, and they even organize themselves in a way that they are able to synchronize their actions on the field.

The lioness equally has an important role for holding the structure of the pride as well. Male lions are more or less transient characters, while lionesses are likely to remain in the same pride for the greater part of their lives and are also related.

They do not only provide care to only their young ones but also happen to invest the effort in taking care of other young ones of the pride and so contribute to the production of the next generation.

The Elephant Matriarch: Wisdom and Leadership

Probably the most important features of elephants are their high intelligence, strong memory, and very diverse social organization. The centre of these family groups is the woman, the oldest female in the group, and often she is the most knowledgeable one.

She guides her children and their children and grandchildren, and others young females, as well as their young ones.

 It makes sense since the leader of the herd is a wise matriarch that will help in the decision-making. In migration and during droughts, she has the ability to point out or draw maps and routes to water and safe paths.

While in matters concerning danger, for instance, when there are threats that need to be dealt with, it will be the matriarch who will be making decisions as to whether they ought to fight or to flee. She is a strict leader, and the young elephants showing that they are learning different aspects of life from her.

The Queen Bee: The Heart of the Hive

Hive – so to speak – in the world of insects, there is but one ruler, the queen bee. She is the only one queen which has the ability to lay all the eggs that will give the future workers, drones and new queens. Queen bee is very important for the survival of the colony and its ability to grow as it can lay up to 2000 eggs per day.

elephants areHowever, the role of the queen is not just to lay eggs for reproduction, as it is done by other female insects. Thanks to her, the others do not rebel, and with the development of the queen bee, all the other bees are balanced due to the pheromones that she continuously secretes.

These bees are very hardworking; they will make sure that she is taken care of; they even provide for her food. But despite the fact that she is an almost sedentary insect, the queen bee controls most of the hive, and this makes her the most significant individual in this orderly society.

The Orca Matriarch: Ruling the Oceans

For instance, orcas, commonly known as the killer whales’ family structure, is called matriarchal, where the group leader is the oldest female.

Similar to elephants, orca pods are clannish groups who depend so much on their female leader. These female leaders are well informed on the areas to hunt and the seasonal movements of the females and animals among the hunting communities and share the same information with the next generations.

 She also supervises the social interactions between the members of the pod, that form a common family hierarchy. its the responsibility of the female especially the mother to ensure that the young orcas are trained how to hunt and communicate with the rest of the pod.

It is also important to note that even when the characters grow areold, the matriarch is still the head of the pod and directs it. Interestingly, orcas, like humans, are one of the few species whereby the females are capable of living way past their reproductive age and can continue to support their family group.

Queens of the Wild

The ladies of the animal famer are strong not only by their muscles rule,but also because of their wisdom, thinking themselves inabilities, and being the protectors of their groups. Indeed, the revelations of these females who, from the grasslands of Africa to the underwater world, are the life and pillar of the female species, is proof that power is not only deep-rooted but diverse.


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