Proper diet for pregnant woman

Amani Nesta
8 Min Read

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Kerry Torrens, a certified British nutrition expert, explains how to eat healthy and safe for you and your child during each term of your pregnancy

A healthy diet is very important for good health, especially when preparing to become a mother, but is it important to eat two meals here and avoid certain foods?

In addition to following general advice on healthy diets, such as eating five foods a day to eat whole grains and calcium-rich foods, there are other important food changes to be considered when preparing to give birth

How do follow a healthy diet during pregnancy?

It’s no wonder you’re looking for nutrients during pregnancy to help with your baby’s growth but it’s possible to achieve this without increasing the amount of food you eat

During pregnancy, your body becomes more and more able to receive nutrients, which means that it is not necessary to eat two meals. It is very important to focus on the quality of your diet

Should I take dietary supplements when I’m pregnant?

Women preparing to give birth are advised to add:

Folic acid supplements from the time you try to have a baby to the 12th weekend (almost) Taking supplements every day has 400 ‘mcg’ (mcg) ‘folic acid’ but don’t forget to eat many foods that are usually rich in that vitamin (of folate) like this:

Vegetables with green leaves, such as spinach (épinards/spinach),

Pea-like dried vegetables known as ‘pois chiches’ or ‘chickpeas’ beans with black eyes and lentils look like small beans

Fruits such as frais and oranges

If you have diabetes, if you have had a pregnancy that has a problem with the birth of a child with a brain or spinal defect (spine), known as ‘anomalies du tube neural’, or if you are taking epilepsy drugs (anomalies in Kirundi), your need for folic acid may increase further. Ask your doctor for advice

Vitamin D is important for calcium to enter the body

How should I eat in the first season?

Morning nausea is most common in the early days of pregnancy and even though it is called morning nausea, it can occur at any hour of the day or night

Its symptoms are different and if you have something you don’t understand, talk to a doctor or midwife, even though for most people the symptoms disappear on the 20th week of pregnancy

Where that’s not too harsh, these simple tips can help:

Eat a little and often in your meals and light foods (snacks) and focus on fats such as bread for biscuits (one that looks like it is broken when you are eating it) of gateaux made of avoine (oat cakes) breads of rice or potatoes

Reduce the proximity of fragrant foods

Reduce foods that contain fat and are difficult to digest

Choose a diet that is easy to cook and fresh quickly

Take biscuits next to your bed

Cook many meals at once to eat for a long time and put them in the ‘fridge’ when you feel good

How should I eat in the second trimester?66

Over the next three months, many women feel very disgusted and smell a lot, resulting in them having the food they want or hate. It is possible that these changes will have negative effects, What is important is that you eat a healthy diet and change what you eat

Where possible, plan ahead of time the meals you take to follow the advice about a healthy diet and try to eat two pieces of fish every week, including fatty fish such as corn or’sardines’.

Because you may have a problem with constipation, focus on foods that contain whole grains, such as regular bread, grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes

Keep the same amount of juice you have in your body and make it your goal to drink 6 to 8 glasses of fresh fruit juice every day

As your stomach grows in your diet, add foods rich in iron: birds such as chickens, especially parts of them that have more fattened meat, such as fish and vegetarians such as green leaf vegetables and legumes

The body is not easily absorbed by the iron of vegetarian foods, but if you add vitamin C to your diet (for example, a glass of orange juice), it can increase the amount of iron that comes into your body

How should I eat in the third trimester?

Burnt fish and other hot food are on the dish

Abdominal cramps (inconvenient constipation) and constipation can be a problem as the pregnancy progresses Fortunately for many people that only lasts for a short time, eating smaller meals more often, avoiding sleeping too long or snoring after eating and reducing as much as possible fatty foods and spices can ease symptoms

Energy needs are increasing in the last quarter every day with between 150 and 200 additional calories

Your calcium needs also increase and may double during pregnancy, especially in the last ten weeks when your calcium needs are very important to maintain your baby’s bones

In addition to dairy products, other calcium supplements include green leafy vegetables, orange juice and soy milk

What foods should I avoid during pregnancy?

Food is on the plate Some foods that can be dangerous for a child who is preparing to give birth are therefore important to avoid Some of them are:

Some eggs are raw or not cooked properly

Meat that is not well cooked

Some cheese Dairy products are not industrialized

Foods made from flour include those made from a mixture of vegetables and liver, as well as foods made from liver

Salades vegetables placed in ‘fridge’ are prepared in advance as salads in potatoes and mashu

Some fish, such as espadon and marlin and reduce the amount of fat fish and sardines and eat them twice a week

The coffee you drink must not exceed 200 grams (mg) per day, that is, two or three cups of coffee per day

It is best to avoid alcohol throughout pregnancy and reduce it as much as possible during breastfeeding


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