Confirmed, NASA’s Dart spacecraft ‘changed the asteroid’s path’

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The United States Space Research Institute NASA said that its latest attempt to mislead the asteroid was successful

Scientists have now confirmed that the path of the 160-foot-diameter stone named Dimorphos changed when the Dart spacecraft crashed last month

Researchers came to this conclusion after testing detectors in the universe and on Earth

Darts message was designed to prevent asteroids from hitting the earth

Modern Dart asserts that the concept can work if it is done early and the asteroid is not too large 

Bill Nelson one of NASAs senior officials, said This mission has shown that Nasa is trying to prepare for whatever the universe throws at us

He told reporters I hope Nasa has shown that we are important in defending this planet

NASA on Tuesday released news documents detailing their conclusion, including photos of the Hubble Space Telescope and footage of a small Italian spacecraft at a distance of 50 km from where Dart hit Dimorphos

An Italian satellite photo shows the effects of Darts laughter with Dimorphos AHAZE ISANAMUASI

Photo lecture Italian space photo showing the effects of Dart and Dimorphoss laughter

The Double Asteroid Redirection Test Dart took place at a distance of 11 million kilometers from Earth 

This refrigerator has been crashing into the rock at a speed of 22000 km/h, and it has torn itself apart

This stone usually surrounds an even larger one with a diameter of 780 m, called Didymos  

Before that, Dimorphos would take 11 hours and 55 minutes to get around that companion stone

Indebakure now shows that that cycle time has decreased to 11 hours and 23 minutes, compared changes of 32 minutes That means that after the collision, Dimorphos approached Didymos at a distance of

That noise caused the dust of the 50-line

Image lecture How the smile caused the dust of the 50-km line shown by the Hubble Space Telescope

NASA had planned that Dimorphos minimum time to orbit Didymos would be at least 73 seconds

Tuesdays findings show Dart managed to change that 25 times over the expected time

Dr Nancy Chabot of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, which was in charge of Darts mission, said

Thats a 4 change in the time Dimorphos spent orbiting Didymos Dart pushed it a little But if you need to do this in the future, it would take you years to do it

He adds Knowing the asteroids that threaten us early is the most important thing to make this method of misleading it early as a broad way to protect the planet

Dimorphos time around Didymos was reduced by 32 minutes after being hit by Dart

The statues speech Dimorphoss position around Didymos was reduced by 32 minutes after being hit by Dart

Dr Tom Statler, a scientist who worked on Darts mission, also has a warning word about the high expectations of this experiment

He says that asteroids come in different forms Their nature and circumstances are different, something that was emphasized by each mission that was going to learn something new in the universe 

He said We have to avoid insisting that testing on one asteroid means very well that any other would be the same

But what we can do is use this test as a starting point for our numbers in other tests that will lead us to different answers to different questions

Over the next four years, the European Space Agency (ESA) will send two spacecraft on a mission called Hera mission  to Didymos and Dimorphos to conduct another study on these changes


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