The most aggressive and deadly animals in the world

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You can escape from a monster as strong as a wolf and still hide near a frog known as Golden poison Dart Frog, feeling that you are safe, yet you dont know that your life is getting more in danger because you are closer to a wild animal than the Wolf you ran away from

There are animals in the world that many people fear but in reality, they are not afraid of them and they are not for themselves

In making this list, CNTRAVELER US magazine thanks to the story based on animals

You can escape from a monster as strong as a wolf and still hide near a frog known as Golden poison Dart Frog, feeling that you are safe, yet you dont know that your life is getting more in danger because you are closer to a wild animal than the Wolf you ran away from

There are animals in the world that many people fear but in reality, they are not afraid of them and they are not for themselves

In making this list, the magazine CNTRAVELER US thanks to the story based on animals that can put a large number of people at risk at the same time and kill them quickly

10 Cape vegetables

This type of vegetable will be about 900,000 in total, located in countries in sub-Saharan Africa When they are not in groups, they are often not very aggressive and that is why they are often in groups

These animals are ranked 10th in the list of wild animals because they kill more people on the African continent than any other animal

9: The snail is known as a snail

When this back part of the brain touches you, it injects you with a poison known as conotoxin in the blink of an eye, which has stopped the interaction of small brain cells

8 Golden poison Dart frogs

The Golden poison Dart is a colorful frog that is common in parts of South America

What ranks it as the 8th most aggressive animal is the poison Batrachotoxin, which can kill 10 people at a time and its two micrograms are enough to kill a person

Because of its high toxicity and presence in the outer layer on the skin, its touch itself can put a persons life at risk

7 Box Jellyfish

These fish are ranked 7th in the list of animals that put human life at risk because of their deadly poison in a very short time

Although the venom of these fish can be treated and cured, those who have bitten die in a very short time before they even reach the shore because what bites its poison spreads to the body quickly, it quickly reaches the heart and stops

6 pufferfish

This fish, known as pufferfish or blowfish, is commonly found in the seas of Japan China and the Philippines and is the second most venomous animal in the spine

Although these fish are eaten in countries such as Japan and China, it requires skilled cooks who know how to remove their venom, but to this day, most of the eaters still die by accident due to the folly of the cook

5 Black Mamba snakes

This snake often lives in areas in the lowlands and high mountains, especially in South and East Africa, where comes in fifth place because of its unusual speed and sharp venom

This snake has a height of four meters When it bites a person, it puts poison in it that can kill more than 10 people in less than 20 minutes

4 Crocodile

This ferocious animal often lives on water It ranks fourth among animals that put human life at risk because every year in different parts of the world they kill more than 1000, a number much higher than those lions kill because they kill 250

Another thing that puts a crocodile in this position is its extraordinary anger, that makes it almost empty even if it doesnt matter

3 Tsetse fly

The Tsetse fly is the fly that attacks and puts the lives of Earths inhabitants at risk above all else

This fly is common on the sub-Saharan African continent in countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola

The person who bit this fly is characterized by abnormal sleep failure to coordinate physical activity and if he is not treated quickly, this can lead to his death

2 Mosquitoes

Although mosquitoes are among the smallest lizards, they are the second most endangered animal in the world due to the high number of people who die from the diseases caused by them

This insect is found on all continents except Antarctica; its species include the genera aedes anopheles and culex It is a source of epidemics such as malaria zika and others

These current epidemics affect more than 700 million people worldwide, killing about 725 thousand people

1 Man

Man is at the forefront of the list of wild animals because of his role in killing other wild animals and destructive activities on Earth

Man has since lived in a killing spree; the number of people who have been killed by their comrades through war is not counted

The human armor that can destroy the Earth in a moment makes him appear as if he is the most violent animal that can threaten all the other creatures on Earth because he has more poisonous weapons than snakes

Another reason why humans come forward on this list is their direct or indirect involvement in the deaths of other animals through poaching violence and environmental degradation


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