Why do mangoes have different colors?

3 Min Read

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Mangoes exhibit a variety of colors due to differences in their genetic makeup, ripening stages, and environmental factors.

Varieties of Mangoes

The fruits in particular that are mostly known to be mangos are available in many types, and each type of mango is characterized by a unique color.

Typical types are Haden, whose skin has a bright red flush, and Alphonso, whose rich golden-yellow complexion makes it easy to identify. The treatment of a particular kind of mango also influences the colour of the mango.


Unripe mango is green in color, while ripe mango is golden yellow in color. The majority of mangoes are green, and as the fruit ripens, they turn yellow, orange, or even red.

This is an indication that the fruit is ripe and ready for human consumption through the differentiating color of the fruit’s pulp. For instance, the green mango is unripe, therefore it is usually tart and firm, while the yellow or orange mango is ripened and usually has a sweet taste with a juicy texture.

Climate and Growing Conditions

This suggests that the color of a mango depends on the environment through which the individual mango has undergone.

Some of the external influences include heat, light, and forward, and others internal influences include the quality of the soil. Fruits ripened in areas characterized by high temperatures and sufficient light exposure are generally darker as compared to those ripened in areas with less exposure to light and relatively lower temperatures.


 It has also been observed that genetics profoundly affect the colors of mangoes. It may be stated that, depending on the genetic code, different types of mangoes are characterized by different skin colors.

Such genetic variations have the potential to produce a plethora of colors, and this may be on mangoes that have been grown in the same area.

Harvest Time

Season can also exert its influence on mango coloration, especially when they are available for harvest. The greenish mangos are those that were picked early and may not have peeled, while those that ripened longer on the tree are deeper and more even in color.

Customers’ expectations and color preferences typically play a role in harvest time selection.

Post-Harvest Handling  

Mangoes can change color depending on a number of factors, so it’s crucial to manage them properly when storing or moving them after harvest.

Some care is taken in handling and storing the fruits in order to maximize their ripening and thus come up with more appealing colors. On the other hand, poor handling results in changes in the colour or uneven development of the yeast



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