Adverse effects of wearing high heels for long periods of time

Amani Nesta
3 Min Read

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Many women and girls like to wear high heels, some of which will be worn for a long time. Research has shown that women and girls who often wear high heels for a long time damage the bones that make up the foot.

High heels are nowadays often worn by young girls and women. Although they look good, they are popular but have many negative effects on the human body.

Research has shown that for those who wear high heels for a long time, the bones that make up their feet are bent and therefore do not work properly. These shoes also hurt the knees and back, and there are others who will wear them with pain in their covers.

In general, when a person stands or walks, all his weight is occupied by his feet. So when a person walks without shoes on, 43% of their weight is occupied by the front part of the foot, and 57% is on the heel.

When the heel goes up to 2 centimeters (2 cm), 50% of the weight is inside, and the remaining 50% goes to the heel. This therefore affects health, especially in the bones of the feet, legs, and spine.

The higher the centimeters, the lower the weight on the heel goes to the front part of the foot. Because the shoes a person wears are attractive, the higher the heel, the more the bones in the buttocks and back tilt forward.

Shoes with long talons over five inches (5 cm) in height and stiffness play an important role in damaging the feet, legs, hip joints, and back.

In the document in Santé du pied number 11, it is said that there are 5 consequences of wearing high heels that are caused by the bending of the toes and the death of some of the joints. The toes lose their beauty and show pain.

This book shows that the toes and heels do not perform their functions as usual, making the muscles that make up the human body not work properly and cutting the original. There is also bone damage and internal ulcers in the foot that cause hypothyroidism, as well as damage to certain parts of the body.

What you can do to avoid the negative effects of wearing high heels

You should wear shoes with a talon of less than 5 cm. For office workers (bureau), when you wear high heels to work, it is important to carry short shoes and wear them when you start working.

When you spend a lot of time wearing high heels, it’s good to remember to tap ‘your’ feet when you get home.

Amani Nesta

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