10 things to help you sleep better

Amani Nesta
7 Min Read

Proper sleep is important for a healthy body and mental health. In addition to helping you take good care of your sleep skills, it also helps the body recover and reduces the risk of many diseases.

The latest UK study found that during the Coronavirus, nearly 50% of Britons had more sleep disturbances than usual.

‘Proper sleep’ describes the habits that lead to constant sleep. One of the points of ‘proper sleep is to reach the right level of relaxation for your body.

Excessive or insufficient physical relaxation both have negative effects on the body. Researchers agree that between 7 and 9 hours is the right time to close the eyes of an adult a day.

As with many others, the key to getting your sleep back to normal is discovering certain things that help you get there deeper every night. It’s different from hibernating or sleeping like you’re awake.

Check out these 10 tips and choose what to help you with.

Establishing a plan

Your body’s constant sleep/wake cycle is known in English as the circadian rhythm. That path tends to be unstable because it can be very difficult to change.

    By taking a routine that doesn’t change every night, you’re telling your body how long to sleep, making you better prepared for the night of deep sleep that means real rest.

    Setting a regular bedtime and waking up and setting up the first bedtime routines, such as wearing nightgowns, drinking herbal tea, bathing, or even brushing your teeth, are great things that prepare your body to feel like you’re going to have a real break.

    Reduce caffeine intake

    Research suggests that taking stimulants such as caffeine can cause problems sleeping for hours after taking them.

      If you have problems sleeping, reducing or completely stopping caffeine at noon would be a good first step. Instead, you’d try taking regular herbal teas in the afternoon.

      Pay more attention to your sugar intake

      When we fail, we naturally need sugar, which is actually a physical way to say you need more energy. However, a 2022 study found that poor sleep is closely related to high sugar intake.

        Increasing the protein of healthy foods such as olive oil, soybeans, drinks/woobe, fish or rivers would help you feel less sugar because it increases your energy needs, and if you feel like you need something sweet, choose to take it as a fruit or other low-sugar food.

        Go slowly to bed

        Eating too much food before bed can damage your sleep. Even if you think about it, the first importance of food is to work hard. If you eat more before going to bed, you are hiring a protector for your digestion, causing some to sleep poorly.

          Alternatively, your last meal is between 2 and 3 hours before bed to allow the digestive system to have enough time.

          Therefore, you should not even go to bed hungry. While taking a small meal, take proteins and carbohydrates (such as grains) because they make melatonin hormones that help you sleep.

          Go out to daylight

          Light is an important factor when it comes to rewarding the production of melatonin and processing our body’s temperature.

            To help with sleep and wakefulness, it is important to get at least 30 minutes of being out there in the light of day because this can help you sleep at night and put on the ‘circadian rhythm’ schedule.

            Buy dark rugs

              Just as we need light during the day, we also need darkness at night to help the body survive and sleep. Your room should be as dark as possible, without clock bells or cell phones.

              Using ‘ingredients such as dark curtains or scarves that cover your eyes can help keep your sleep from getting complicated.

              Disable these devices at least 30 minutes in advance

              Devices such as laptops, tablets, telephones and televisions that emit light known as ‘blue light’ can disrupt the production of melatonin if we have less, which causes sleep deprivation.

                Instead, if you use these devices at night, download the application that turns your blue light screen into red because it makes a big start or buy blue light lights that keep your face from reaching you.

                Eat magnesium-rich foods

                Magnesium is known to be a natural ingredient that makes the body feel better (relax), but stress, caffeine, sugar, and exercise all keep magnesium in the body so that you feel uncomfortable until bedtime.

                  Adding magnesium-rich foods to your diet can help you stay relaxed and sleep faster.

                  Foods such as dark chocolate, nectar, rivers, fish, and green vegetables are all rich in magnesium.

                  Add fiber to your diet

                  Fiber, found in fruits, vegetables and grains, is associated with good sleep.

                    Researchers have found that fiber-rich foods allow us to spend more time in deep sleep, where your brain “becomes extinct and your heart and breathing slow.

                    This is when your body goes through a period of recovery and rehabilitation that helps maintain your body’s defenses, your mental health, and your memory.

                    Take a break at the end of the day

                    Taking time off (relax) without distractions like TVs, emails, and WhatsApp would help your body and brain calm down and help you get to a better night.

                      You can try swimming with Epsom salt, which is rich in magnesium, and when added to lukewarm water, it helps relax because the body receives magnesium through the skin.

                      If that is not possible, taking a meditation or breathing exercise before bed also helps to improve the brain’s ability to relieve stress and reduce the number of stings you have had during the day.

                      Amani Nesta


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