Why is Venus the hottest planet in our solar system compared to Mercury?

Prince Parfait
2 Min Read

Image by freepik

Venus is the second planet closest to the sun; it is very logical that Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, would be the hottest of all planets.

Mercury is very hot, with high temperatures of 449. But also, on the other side of Mercury, facing away from the sun, it gets very cold, minus 170. This is because mercury has a very thin atmosphere and cannot trap heat.

Venus, on the other hand, has a temperature of 465, which is very hot compared to Mercury. Water boils at only 212 °C and melts at 327 °C.
So, why is Venus so hot? The first is the closest planet to the sun. Venus is 108 million kilometers away from the sun compared to the earth, which is 149 million kilometers away. This alone causes Venus to be very hot, and it is hotter than mercury.
The atmosphere of Venus is made up almost entirely of carbon dioxide. It also includes small doses of nitrogen and clouds of sulfuric acid.

The atmosphere is so thick on the surface that it would feel 90 times heavier than the Earth’s atmosphere and would be similar to pressures if you were diving beneath the ocean 3000 feet deep.

This thick atmosphere traps heat close to the surface. Venus also experiences super rotation; instead of separate layers, the entire atmosphere rotates as one giant, rapidly spinning layer.

These hurricane-like winds circulate that intense heat, ensuring there’s no escape from the hottest planet in the solar system.
Venus is the hottest planet because it is the second closest to the sun, and it’s extremely greenhouse-friendly due to its thick atmosphere, which traps heat close to the surface. So, there is not even a chance that any living being could live and survive in that kind of heat on the planet.



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