Amazing facts about the Amazon rainforest

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The Amazon is the world s largest forest, with many amazing and terrifying features, including walking trees hot water transparent frogs and more

The Amazon is a forest located in South America which serves nine South American countries, namely Brazil Peru Colombia Ecuador Bolivia, and Venezuela Guyana Suriname and French Guyana, but the largest of these forests is located in Brazil

The Amazon is a forest full of dense trees that are threatened by darkness so that in the middle of the forest it is always night. The researchers confirmed that 1% of the sunlight is able to penetrate the trees of the forest

When it rains in the AMAZON forest, it takes more than 10 minutes for the droplets to start seeping to the ground

In the middle of the Amazon, there is the large Amazon River, which has a length of 6400 km

it is the second-largest river in the world after the Nile River

Amazon river

The Amazon River is a very watery river with many amazing creatures that live there, including the largest snakes you have ever seen in the Anaconda tribe. Animals included

Amazon Forest

backwater, Another amazing thing in the whole forest is the frogs that have glassy (transparent) skin so when you look at the frog, you immediately see the parts in its belly because they are transparent

Wild birds and the Amazon River

Research A 2006 study by scientists shows that the river is in the Amazon; its water used to flow from eastern South America to the West but over the next 100 years, it became backwater, unlike when God had created it


The Amazon also has other large rivers, including water that is always harvested as wide as it is and the water sometimes heats up to the rate of 93 Dogres so that even if you pass by the river, you start to sweat Frogs snakes and other insects that we despise when we pass through are found floating on dead surfaces Trees go

Amazon of the Brazzili section

In the Amazon rainforest, there are amazing trees that some of them walk, which are called Working palms These trees do not move like humans but move slowly and in such a long time that when the tree wants to grow its roots, it starts to move in search of sunlight before the tree rises so that it can go from 1 meter to 20 meters

The snake is called Anaconda

They are the world s largest and most feared snakes and these snakes are said to have originated in the world more than thousands of years ago These snakes are not poisonous but fearsome because of their strength and size

Anaconda snakes belong to many species and are fearsome but the most famous are the green snakes Anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world because, when it grows up, it can weigh more than 250 kg and have a height of 10 meters

If you are in danger and face it, it would be better to run to the ground because it is moving slowly, but if you make a mistake and go to the water, it will be completely over Anaconda s speed in the water, which is like an arrow shot from a distance

Anaconda prefers to eat wild boars and other animals but it is very rare for the snake to eat a person since they do not see each other often When it eats something, it lasts for a whole month without eating anything else because it has a way to store it in the stomach

The Anaconda snake gets good when there is extreme darkness and knows how to hide so much that it can pretend to be a stone or a snake and sit without knowing it They are some of the family planning snakes because they hatch in the 5th and 6th months, deposit eggs in the womb, give birth after 6 months and in their life they give birth between 30 and 40 cubs

Woarani Amazon

The dream In the Amazon rainforest, it has such amazing pores that when you are a weed, you experience the same pain as being shot in the leg and these poisons are toxic and cause swelling throughout the body

The Gentlemen of Amazona

It also includes the electric eel, which is a large eel that can weigh 21 kg, but surprisingly, this eel has electricity in its skin. When touching the part of its tail, it is hit by a special electric shock because it has between 300 and 650 Volts

However, these samaks are not provocative but when a crocodile tries to eat them or catch them, it meets an electric spark and comes home healthy


In the Amazon, there is a grass called Victoria amazonica, which is a large grass-like grass that often floats on rivers These grasses can also be used as boats so that even if you sit on top of them, you will continue to float without any problems

The Sunlike whencientologists Scientists say it is difficult to see a part of this forest emitting CO2 and not burning, which they say was caused by arsonists and loggers making it scarce and rain missing with moisture, keeping some fresh and others from growing

Luciana Gatti

mosquitoes from the Amazon

Luciana Gatti who works at the Institute of Astronomy in Brazil, also led the team that conducted this study, saying that when the forest is burned, it emits less air than three times its income

He added that 30% deforestation or uplift emits ten times more bad air than 20% deforestation


These researchers said that there is a need to create an international agreement to protect the Amazon forest because it gives the Earth 20% of fresh air every year in order to prevent the cutting of trees that cause extraordinary climate change, especially since it is evident that most of Brazil’s exported trees are cut down in this forest

Satellite research has shown that the Amazon forest located in Brazil emits more than 20% of its CO2 emissions This suggests that there may be severe climate change in the coming years as the Earth s lungs are deteriorating


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