Canoeing the Yukon River: Canada’s Remote Wilderness

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The Yukon River, the longest river in North America, is also one of the most historic rivers in North America, providing an opportunity to navigate through some of the most uncharted terrain in north-eastern Canada.

Originating from the mountainous border area between British Columbia and Yukon Territory, the Yukon River is one of the longest rivers in North America, stretching to about 1,980 miles and crossing through some of the world’s largest boreal forest, mountainous, and tundra regions in Yukon Territory and Alaska. If a person wants to get away from everyone and everything and be one with nature for a minimum of one day, then the best way to accomplish this is to do a multi-day Yukon River canoeing trip.

The Yukon River is the major river of Yukon Territory and has been used for transportation, especially during the flooding of the stampede gold rush in the late 1800’s. Canoeing the river today is witnessing that history in the absence of the gold rush towns and settlements lining the river.

For example, Fort Selkirk and Dawson City look like true ghost towns with rusty remains of buildings and facilities that remain here and there being overgrown with vegetation.

Currently, it is possible to make a short trip on a Yukon River canoe ranging from a couple of days to several weeks, depending on the selected section of the river. The main tour starts from Whitehorse to Dawson City a distance of about 700 km that can also take up to about 2 weeks to cover. During tour, the fantastic scenery which awaits the paddlers includes flat, wide stretches of the river and white water rapid such as small whirlpool.

For the most part, the river poses no real danger, and is suitable for the inexperienced paddler, but: good canoe skills and experience with wilderness travel are required to go on a successful trip.

Many visitors note that one of the biggest attractions about the Yukon Riverfloat trip is the wildlife. Some of the animal species that inhabit the given river area are moose, black bears, grizzly bears, wolves, and bald eagles.

Boating gently down the river also gives the opportunity to watch these creatures in their natural environment…at very close range. The waters of the river contain salmon, trout, and grayling, among other fish types, making it a favorite spot for fishermen.

It turns out that wild camping along the Yukon river is not a hyperactive endeavor as most would presume. There is a number of camping sites that are marked along the river course but one can come across more private places on gravel terrains or the river’s edges. There is a long day in yukon during the summer to paddle and do whatever you want, besides, if lucky, one could see the beauty of the northern light at night.

The few days’ canoe trip through the Yukon River needs close consideration when planning for it. Due to this, paddlers are totally on their own, and they need to portage all the equipment, food, and other safety items with them. But the gains of this wilderness trip are great. The feeling of solitude, endless space, and history of the Yukon River make it a unique experience for one who will embrace this challenge.


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