China reduces coal permits amid a surge in renewables.

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China is scaling back coal permits as the country shifts its focus to renewable energy, aiming to curb carbon emissions.

Currently emitting the highest levels of greenhouse gases in the world, China has come under pressure in recent years to move away from coal, a fossil fuel that has fuelled its economy, industrialization, and growth, though with massive effects on the environment.

In this regard, the recent actions by the country to cut on the issuance of new coal permits could be seen as a serious step towards cutting on carbon emissions and moving towards clean energy sources.

But critics have warned that with the world’s second-largest population and burning more coal than any other country, the era of fossil fuels in China may not be over yet, and it will only be seen in the forthcoming years whether these attempts are enough for a sustainable future or not.

China has announced a reduction in the permits for coal usage, and at the same time, the country has been increasing its investment in green energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower plants.

It might be noted that the nation is already among the leaders in terms of renewable power capacity; it has undertaken large-scale infrastructure projects that can outcompete those of many other nations. China will add 120 GW of new solar power in 2023 to remain the top producer of renewable energy.

The use of wind energy also increased over the year, with many new off-shore and on-shore wind power stations installed.

Renewable electricity sources are not chosen solely based on environmental concerns but also due to economic reasons. Wind and solar have come down in cost against coal and are becoming real contenders due to the falling prices of PV panels and WTGs.

Furthermore, the Chinese government has provided supportive measures in relation to the development of clean energy, such as subsidies for renewable energy and requirements for provinces’ accomplishment of set targets for renewable energy. This has led to the establishment of a conducive environment for renewable energy developers as well as investment in such projects.

online, Yet, environmentalists are still careful while noticing these improvements. China remains the largest consumer of coal and its coal industry remains very relevant. Though new coal plant permits have been dramatically reduced, coal-burning plants remain online, and some geographic areas have increased their coal usage because of cost and energy security issues

The United States’ reliance on coal also dates far back, and switching to renewable sources of energy also has its complications. Some of the challenges that require solving are the instability of grids, energy storage, and fluctuations of renewable power sources compared to the base load.

The Chinese authorities have noted these problems and are increasing the introduction of highly efficient energy sources as a replacement for coal, for example, energy storage systems and smart grids.

Finally, however, it is still unclear if China’s coal era has actually come to an end. It is without doubt that the nation’s pledge to reduce the issuance of coal permits and increase utility-scale renewable energy capacity is an encouraging one.

However, the journey to a world without fossil fuels will not be easy and will take time, more so with the help of technological advancement and with due consideration to the effects that it has on the economy as well as on society.  For sceptics, it is crucial to say that although China’s steps are encouraging, they do not guarantee that the country will significantly shift to non-coal sources.

For these reasons, the world is watching China’s energy change; only time will tell whether such efforts will be enough to tip the scale in favor of renewable energy change that will set the world on a more sustainable course.


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