Did you know that plants have feelings too?

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The unbelievable ways plants use the same senses as humans.

When people navigate their way through the world, they rely on five senses: touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste. these prayers help us mainly in building a picture of the environment and responding to many unexpected changes. Animals also use these thoughts to use them in various activities, including avoiding being eaten, finding good food and seeking shelter But have you ever wondered how the plants are doing?

we are going to plants, Plants also have thoughts, including pain, feeling, and many other things, but plants

they cannot act like animals to find a good shelter or to run away without help.

research on their sense of hearing has shown the wonderful way plants sense their environment: from “hearing” their prey, “smelling” their neighbors, and even “imitating” the nature of their host plants.


plants such as sweetpeas (Lathyrus odoratus) for their growth they feel they use the support of attachment to,2 but still there are other plants that are concerned about being touched among those plants such as Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). the more they are stressed and touched, the more they inhibit their growth. As we know, many types of plants use their roots to spread through the soil. Some plants have special leaves to sense and respond to certain feelings. For example, the soft plant (Mimosa pudica) has leaves that curl inward when working to prevent damage.


based on sounds, until recently it was well known that plants respond to different sounds, but researchers have shown that plants not only “hear” pests and predators but also prepare for visits.

There is a unique study conducted by Heidi Appel and Reginald Cocroft of the University of Missouri in which they recorded the sounds of leaf-chewing beetles playing on harmless Arabidopsis plants using specialized equipment.  Control plants were played with recordings of wind, other pests, or nothing else. Surprisingly, plants exposed to the sound of chewing responded by releasing the same defense chemicals they would release if they themselves were chewing.

Test and Smell

Photosynthesis helps plants make their own food, which means they don’t need taste as we know it.  However, taste and smell are based on chemical receptors, meaning they are closely related. In the case of plants, the amazing thing is that plants can “sniff” out their neighbors and recognize their relatives. there is a parasitic vine well known by tomato growers, It is located and grows towards the host that feels the volatile chemicals in the air.


Most animals rely on smell to navigate their environment. plants do not see in a way that we can perceive, but they have many mechanisms that can detect the difference between light and dark. from ultraviolet to infrared. One of the most famous examples of this is the sunflower (Helianthus sp.), which performs heliotropism, where the sun is facing the sun to grow in the direction of the sun. Tracking sunlight helps the plant reduce the amount of sunlight it receives for photosynthesis.

Plants get stressed, too

While there’s a lot we don’t know about herbal medicine, most of us know it reduces stress. In 1847, a scientist named WF Clemens announced that plants can be anesthetized to lose their senses in a similar way to humans and animals. Plants provide their painkillers when they are injured or attacked by viruses, and plants are the ones that contribute to the reduction of their wounds.



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