Discover the secret to tomatoes and coffee

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Image by mdjaff on Freepik


Tomatoes are usually an important food for the human body in particular because they are part of the immune system, which reduces the risk of various cancers, including prostate cancer diabetes and heart disease

In addition to helping the body prevent diseases, tomatoes are used by those who want to have healthy facial skin because they reduce the oil content of the facial skin and those who know how to look at a person who has a lot of oil in the face and say that he is like a cook

The importance of tomatoes in a person’s life is often discussed, but do you know the food community where tomatoes live?

Many people consider tomatoes to be vegetables because they can be cooked with a variety of vegetables mixed with other spices to prepare the sauce or eaten raw in a vegetable salad But how tomatoes are fruit, among others, because they grow in flowers on small stems and have seeds inside, according to Health Line magazine?

British journalist and singer Miles Kington said Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad In Kinyarwanda: Wisdom is knowing that tomato is a fruit; prudence is not putting it in a fruit salad


Coffee is a drink that is loved by many, especially adults, because of its unique taste, smell, heat in the body and ability to help people not sleep when they have a job they want to finish at night and are tired

Considering that this is the general importance of coffee, it is only bad when it is too much because it can cause high blood pressure and cause heart disease

However, coffee has another importance based on its unique aroma, according to a study published on the website

The study says that comforting coffee has various benefits, including being happy impulsive and energetic and making a person sleep better

Research shows that comforting coffee makes you happy

Research shows that comforting coffee makes you happy

People who sell incense and archery must have a small cup containing roasted coffee placed next to the archery bottles

That coffee helps the customer who wants to comfort himself with different incenses before choosing because when he finishes comforting himself with one incense, it can be difficult for him to know how to distinguish it from another who wants to smell it

So that’s where coffee does its job The person first comforts it, forgets the first smell, seems to start comforting himself anew and so on until he reaches the ribs with a smell passing through him


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