Exploring the Connection between Current Religious Beliefs and Traditional Practices

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Rwandan cultural experts also closely look at religion and testify that the traditions practiced in religions brought by foreigners are not different from those practiced by early Rwandans, except for changed names.

A person s beliefs are one of the topics that are constantly being debated. Most of them strive to show that their faith is true, while others are in delusion, doing everything possible to make them feel the same way But that is impossible and bad.

Rev Pastor Uwimana Jean Piere is a Christian and a relationship expert who teaches at the University of Rwanda He once told IGIHE that everyone who shares the same ideas and attitudes will get nowhere

It is not limited to making it clear that some have better choices than others because, all over the world, they kill and die Those who are killed because of faith are the ones you will hear called Aba-Martyr

The definition of faith in a person s life is like one of the parts of his body that is missing when you have a problem There are those who compare you to the spirit we breathe to live; the more the lungs need it and our souls, the more they need faith

Psychologists and ethicists explain that religion is a force that overcomes our neighbors, allowing us to have an irrational but religious mindset

One day I saw a woman crying because of an argument she was going to have with someone they didn’t agree with I had gone to CHUK Hospital for treatment and met that Christian woman and another Muslim man They argued quietly and I just heard but was surprised to see him crying and they didn’t insult him

He was motivated by the fact that he wanted to make it clear that his faith was true, yet they dominated him and he felt that he was the one who went astray

Some choose to call those who do not agree that they are pagans and others call them infidels or Apostates so that it is clear that they are different.

When a Christian calls a believer in the traditional religion of Rwandans a Pagan, he discredits his beliefs Muslims also look at him, whether he is a Christian or not, and call him an infidel.

Nsanzabera Jean de Dieu is a historian and cultural scholar of Nyarwanda but he lived with a member of the Adventist Church

In an interview with IGIHE, he explained that most of the traditions practiced in religions are not the same as those of the early Rwandans who worked, except for the names that have been changed

He said The problem is that they are mocking them to instill in us what they brought us abroad. But the difference is none

He said that what some religions call Holy Meal and others call King Table or Guhazwe by Rwandans is called Imandwa Communion

He said They were sharing bread unleavened milk and goat meat

In Christian religions, they also use the blood of Christ and his body

Nsanzabera said that as Christians meet with the Pastor who leads them in Rwanda, even though the mandwa meet and have Imandwa Nkuru,

It is said that the focus was started in order to bind Rwandans in love and in God and solve the problems that Rwanda had of its inhabitants, who did not understand because of the humanity they had lost when the Gahima brothers were fighting for the throne

King Ruganzu Ndoli appealed to a sorcerer from Bufumbira named Ryangombe, who was the one who started the “method for  It was 1510

Nsanzabera said The first person who entered Mandwa was given a ceremony that was supposed to calm him down They slaughtered the goat’s ox, sprinkled blood on his forehead, and finally took the white hoof and sprinkled it on his head, saying as this goat is white and we

Compared to religious traditions, it was found that it became Kubatiza, where the believer was given words from the Bible and put in water or poured on his forehead

As you don’t have a religion called Unprecedented Pagan, it was called Inzigo

The first one was called Uruzingo and what you could compare to Gukumuzam was called Guzurayo

The mother of Baptism was called The mother of Mandwa, but the poor gave birth to the rich so that they could be raised through love Privacy and mutual support, which were the pillars of concentration

He went on to explain that Imandwa are the ones who gave us the culture called Gusega but in the Bible they call it Gusenga

When a Rwandan was sick and could not go to farm, when they arrived, they took the grain and went home Each of them put in what they promised and put the poor or those who had not farmed in stock

You can compare it to making offerings in all religions

There is also amisibo in the Church of Rwanda Nsanzabera finds that it is not different from what Adventists call Heads of the Sabbath” school, where each class is separate Children teenagers, young adults and adults

The use of different words and new ways of creating religious traditions are what made many feel that the traditional beliefs of Rwandans and those brought by foreigners are different, but experts believe that they have a connection.



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