Here’s why pregnant women meet or hate something

Amani Nesta
5 Min Read

Do you know that exposure during pregnancy or pregnancy is common in all pregnant women?
Contact during pregnancy or pregnancy is common in all pregnant women who have what they want to eat or drink more than others, which is called pregnancy.

There are those who carry something that they did not even eat, there are those who carry a certain smell, and there are those who carry it to chew the ground.

In addition to driving, there are also encounters.

The air of something reached him and he felt nauseous and vomited.

  • There are those who meet their husbands and do not sleep together again.
  • Is it a disease to be exposed during pregnancy or to carry it on pregnant women?
  • Some say it’s an illness, and others say it’s just an inclusion; some say that sometimes a woman pretends to be pregnant to achieve what she wants.
  • Do you know what science and medicine have to say about it?
  • Carrying something often comes from hormones that are being produced and produced in large numbers during the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, a pregnancy that is less than 3 months old.

There are only things that say that you carry what your body needs more than anything else and that you are exposed to what your body does not need.

This is often referred to as food and drink.

  • However, it is also said that a woman who meets her husband often does not get along well or does not enjoy the way they have sex.
  • Research continues to show that these days we don’t eat properly, so the body itself tells you what to give it during pregnancy.
  • No one doubts that our body needs vitamin C to boost our immunity.
  • For a pregnant woman, it is better because she has another person in her.
  • That’s why you can get pregnant looking for something rich in that vitamin.

Do you know what you should know?

  • If you’ve brought something or been busy with it, you’re having trouble giving it a lot of time.
  • Often this disappears when the pregnancy reaches 4 months.
  • Only when he is overdoing it, do not hide yourself to die in the Lord but talk to the one you live with.
  • There are times when self-care makes the problem worse.

Do you know what to do when you carry something?

Try not to put too much into it to feel that you don’t see a possible pregnancy.

However, if you carry something and it is not difficult to find it (milk, for example), instead of drinking it in large quantities, you would take a glass of it a little, which is enough.

Also, when you feel the desire for something to come to you, try to find something to do with it.

It is often best to travel on foot to a place that makes you busy.

Like throwing a mountain while watching creation, watching your favorite game, going to sing, and other things you like.

In this period of development, talking to people on social media such as Facebook or WhatsApp as well as reading books or information on the Internet is helpful.

Only if you’re carrying strange things like baking a brick or eating mud is it often because your body is missing mineral salts, especially minerals.
This is corrected by eating mineral-rich foods if necessary and receiving mineral tablets.

Finding something to do with it helps you get rid of your thoughts.

Do you know what to do when you are busy?

Exposure is another factor because it is often associated with nausea and vomiting.

What you need to do if you are connected to something very important is want a nutrient-dependent replacement.

If you are fed beans, eat peas.

Only if you are connected to your partner is it necessary to correct what is going wrong between you and ask an expert in the humanities and talk (a psychologist or sociologist).

It doesn’t mean that a man is always met because you live badly, but there is something behind it; you may feel that it is not a problem, and yet you would talk to someone else and know that this is the reason.


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