How snake’s venom are used in medicine

Prince Parfait
4 Min Read

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Although the venom of a snake is feared due to its lethal features, it happens to be very useful in current medical practice. Scientists discovered that complex proteins and enzymes that exist in snake’s venom have a host of therapeutic applications, which turn life-threatening toxins into life-saving drugs.

Treatment of Blood Disorders

The most outstanding of these medical uses is that venom is used in blood disorder treatments. Proteins in the venom of certain snakes affect blood coagulation and are hence used in the development of anticoagulant drugs. To give an example, ancrod is a chemical obtained from the venom of the Malayan pit viper. It is used to break down blood clogs and, hence, prevent strokes. The mechanism of action relies on the ingestion of the protein fibrin associated with clotting, thereby preventing thrombosis. It has anticoagulant properties and is useful in cardiovascular patients as an alternative to blood-thinning drugs.

Pain Relief

Snake venom also has some uses in the pain management field. Certain components of the venom act directly on pain pathways, therefore providing relief without the addictive side effects that result from opioid painkillers. For example, peptides found in the venom of the black mamba have been identified that appear to work in a way almost as pain blockers, known as mambalgins. These bind to acid-sensing ion channels in nerve cells and inhibit the process of pain. Already, research is underway to create these peptides into painkillers that are potent, safer than opioids, and will meet the surging demand for effective pain management.

Cancer Treatment

The other active area of research in snake venom is in cancer treatment. It contains proteins and enzymes that selectively target cancerous cells, hence inhibiting their growth and spread. For instance, contortrostatin, a protein purified from copperhead snake venom, was shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and prevent metastasis.

The mechanism of action for these compounds derived from venom is that they disrupt the ability of the cancerous cells to form new blood vessels that would feed a growing tumor; this starves the tumor of essential nutrients and considerably slows it down. This, therefore, becomes an area of great promise in developing new therapies against cancer.

Cardiovascular Disease

Other than in the treatment of blood disorders, snake venom is also applied in several ways to cure cardiovascular diseases. In fact, most of these venoms have a number of bioactive compounds that can reduce blood pressure through vasodilatation. For example, captopril—just one of the very first ACE inhibitors against hypertension and heart failure—derived from the venom of the Brazilian pit viper. Captopril relaxes and dilates the blood vessels by inhibiting an enzyme that normally causes blood vessels to constrict. This has an impact on improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

The medicinal uses of snake venom, in any final analysis, allude to its potential for really transforming modern medicine. From the treatment of blood disorders and pain management to fighting cancer and cardiovascular diseases, snake venom offers great diversity in terms of the therapeutic benefits derived from it. In addition, future research and development on drugs derived from venom will portend good results for new lifesaving and life-enhancing treatments for patients worldwide. Once thought to be a feared substance, understanding snake venom could become the cornerstone for future medical advancement.


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