How the cicadas make noise during night

Prince Parfait
3 Min Read

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Many times during the night, you can hear loud noises outside. It’s true that some people may believe insects like crickets are the source of the noise. But there are others that make noise louder than the crickets; they are called cicadas. So, how do those insects make such a louder noise?

Let’s take an example of people: people can make noise by just opening their mouth, clapping there hands, snapping fingers, and other different body parts. But it’s different from insects body parts. Insects have parts like six legs and antennae, and some of them have wings, which means that insects have their own style to make their loud sounds.

Let’s first of all discuss grasshoppers and crickets: grasshoppers move the leg’s up and down rapidly. Cricket’s legs don’t seem to move much, but its wings move faster. But how does that make a loud sound at night? The inside of a grasshopper’s leg has small ridges, similar to cricket’s wings, which both have tiny ridges that back and forth against other body parts to make that loud noise.
But let’s discuss how Cicada makes it’s noise. Like grasshoppers and crickets, it doesn’t move it’s wings or legs either.

Cicadas have a body part called a timble. There’s a timble under the other wings too. The timble makes sounds as it moves. But, unlike the grasshopper’s legs or the cricket’s wings, the cicada isn’t rubbing anything against it. Instead, a timble works more like a metal cap from a container; when you push on the flexible center and let it spring back, it makes clicking sounds.

As a result, cicadas flexed their muscles and timbered back and forth; the timbered section bent and sprung back like a metal cap. The cicada can produce 400 clicks in a second by rapidly moving its timbles back and forth, and at night, all of the clicks combine to create a single, loud noise that we can all hear.

Maniraguha Arnold

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