Iceland: the Reykjanes peninsula was hit by a new eruption.

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The Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland, known for its dramatic landscapes and geothermal activity, has once again been struck by a volcanic eruption.

This Thursday, February 8, a new crack appeared in Sÿlingarfell, northeast of Grindavík, from which lava and smoke escaped.

reminder of the facts
It was in 2021, after 6,000 years of inactivity, that the Fagradalsfjall volcanic system located in the Reykjanes Peninsula awoke, forming a fissure more than 180 meters long. Until then, the region had not experienced an eruption for more than 800 years. Three small explosions then occurred (in 2021, 2022, and summer 2023), each producing fountains of fire.

The person responsible for this volcanic activity is a dyke (underground vein through which magma rises to the Earth’s surface) almost 15 km long and located on the Reykjanes peninsula. Since its identification, other eruptions have reached the city of Grindavik. If volcanic activity is to intensify, it will most likely be in this region.

What advice is there for travelers?
For the moment, only the inhabitants of Grindavík, who evacuated before the eruption that occurred in December, are the most impacted by this burst of volcanic activity. Following the recent explosions, some houses there were destroyed by lava. The Blue Lagoon, one of the country’s most popular attractions located not far from the guarded area, was only briefly closed intermittently as a precaution. Nothing was reported in Reykjavik or its international airport either.

Some passengers flying over the sites of the eruptions, however, had the chance to witness an extraordinary spectacle from their porthole.

What will happen?
Due to the unpredictable nature of volcanoes, it is difficult to be 100% certain of what will happen. Most volcanologists seem to agree that this period of volcanic activity will last for many years, even several decades, explains Dr. Robin Andrews, himself a volcanologist. But it is, according to him, difficult to study systems that do not present a central volcano.

Will an ash cloud form?
According to specialists in the fields of volcanology and aviation, it is unlikely that the events following the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull will happen again. At the time, European airspace had to be closed due to the presence of ash in sufficient quantities to cause aircraft engine failures, causing the cancellation of some 100,000 flights.

Unlike Eyjafjallajökull, the volcanoes involved in recent eruptions do not open onto a huge ice sheet, minimizing the amount of ash that can be expelled (when ice melts in a volcano, magma cools quickly and forms fine ash particles).

Is it safe to travel to Iceland?
Currently, volcanic activity is mainly concentrated on the Reykjanes Peninsula. It is therefore safe to travel to the rest of Iceland and the country’s main tourist sites are open.

Dr. Andrews recommends that anyone planning to travel to Iceland consult the advice of the Icelandic Meteorological Office, which publishes detailed data on recent volcanic activities. France Diplomatie’s travel advice pages are also updated as conditions change. Once in Iceland, follow local news bulletins and heed recommendations from local authorities.

Should you bring insurance?
Make sure you have comprehensive insurance when booking your trip to be covered until departure. This must be for a minimum amount of 3,000 euros to benefit from a good level of protection for short-haul flights. Remember to check that the insurance policy covers your repatriation if you have to return early.


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