Know the meaning of the lines in your hand

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For a long time people have been looking into their hands but not understanding what the lines in their hands mean these lines everyone says they connect because of their physical shape but everyone and the type of their hand have something to do with their behavior in society and and the life he lives in love

Various experts around the world have pointed out the relationship between people who share the same type of line in the hand these relationships mainly focus on the character of the owners and how they behave in love

The website Wikihow shows that there are 4 types of heart lines that each type has meaning for character behavior and social life in love among people

The first type of hand is when the top line base in the hand is limited to the middle of the finger of the superior

A study conducted by Indian experts in the book called Human natures showed that a person with this type of hand has the character of a good leader because he was born with it

A person with this type of hand who does not like to work under duress or talk is wellbehaved and very intelligent in making decisions that do not depend on others

In love they tend to be selfish and love things more than loving a person with his good heart or his beauty

Often these people have blood type B they are people who tend to be independent and hate the hole and even those who love them are broken because they dont want anyone to enter their lives

The second type is when the line in your hand is limited to the junction of the finger of the superior and the superior

In real life these are people who like to be trusted have good character and are often honest

When it comes to how to behave in love they are people who have a lot of love which is good for the person they love and in the short time they have been in love

They are not afraid to express their feelings of love as well as to hide themselves in love Often these people have blood type A group A

They are people who are quick to make decisions and are emotional based on what those around them want

The third type is when the upper line in the hand ends in the middle of the finger of Mukubikarukoko

In the book Master of Lovers American experts have shown that a person with a hand of this type has a personality that is very similar to that of the first type

They differ on the fact that those with this type of hand have true love and that they love things more than they love someone with their beauty and heart

They dont like to be involved in love and they are very afraid to engage in love because they like to be stable without games and frustration

Akensi these people have a blood type of AB group AB in which they feel they have to be loved more than taking the initiative to express their love

The fourth type is when the line of the hand meets between the finger of Mukubikarukoko and that of Nyangufi

A person with this type of hand is very patient mindful and caring about anything that concerns him has a love that is visible to everyone and falls well he is always happy and laughing even if he is in trouble he is able to handle it well

Often these individuals tend to have a blood type of 0 group 0

In love they will cry they take the lead in love because they know what they want and often they have sex

Although the types of lines in the hand are numerous and varied but based on the basic lines this species has four species that often go with the blood type sanguin group

It is possible for a person to have a blood type that is not the same as the blood type as we mentioned above but research shows that this coincides with the rate of 81.9%


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