Majestic Mount Moco: Angola’s Hidden Highland Gem

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The Mount Moco is the highest mountain in Angola with a height of 2,620 meters and this mountain might be among the least-known natural gems of this nation.

This is one of the strategic mountains that lie in the Huambo Province which is in the central highlands of Angola; a perfect trip for thrill seekers who wish to explore the untouched Angola. Mount Moco is still one of the places that are not heavily travelled and extensively explored and as such the experience that it will provide will be more of a real kind that is not distorted by commercialism and infrastructure.

The climbing of Mount Moco can be said to be a tiring exercise, but it is worth the effort. Unlike other giants that are characterized by standard paths and facilities in other parts of the world, Mount Moco lacks standard hiking pathsmaking it very attractive to adventure lovers.

It involves all the independent contingencies as well as strategic planning and execution since hikers cover some difficult terrains characterized by thick forests as well as steep slopes. For those people with courage to discover in the country that few have ever ventured into, Mount Moco would be an ideal place to be.

Apart from the rugged landscape, which is a feature of Mount Moco, the area has some bonuses for birding enthusiasts. Several species of birds that are native to Angola can be found in the mountain among them being the Swierstra’s Francolin which is an endangered species, thus making the mountain a mecca for bird watchers and conservationists.

The environment around them is not less interesting – there is savannah, grasslands and forests that are visible even with the naked eye. The top of Mount Moco provides stunning scenery consisting of extensive view of the surrounding highlands and the valleys.

As of now there are ongoing efforts aimed at protecting the various species that are endemic to Mount Moco. Forests on the mountain region has been in danger due to deforestation and agricultural activities but there are organizations and communities to defend the ecosystem on this area.

Tourism can play its part to conserve the existing natural areas by supporting sustainable uses of the resources, and urging the visitors to respect the importance of Mount Moco in the conservation of the natural resources.

Therefore, Mount Moco is recommended for tourist who wants an exciting camping and trekking experience in a relatively unknown yet striking region of Angola.

Due to its physical hardness and beautiful views, many species of animals and plants and its historical importance it is very interesting for hikers, bird watchers and anybody who is interested in strange and unusual places.


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