Majestic Sands of the Kem Kem Plateau

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South-eastern Morocco hosts a one-of-a-kind site known as the Kem Kem Plateau for all lovers of paleontology and prehistory.

This is a remote, barren land of rocky plateaus, BEST, known for its exceptionally good fossil ground that has produced probably some of the most important dinosaur finds in the last decade. The area belongs to the geological formation known as Kem Kem Beds, which is of Cretaceous age of about 100 million years.

The climate of the Kem Kem Plateau is desert-like and unforgiving, and the geographical features include mountains, rocks, and very few trees and shrubs. Nonetheless, the plateau has remained the richest hunting ground for prehistoric monsters, where remains of different species of dinosaurs as well as various other prehistoric creatures have been found with tremendous ease, and the plateau has been home to some of the largest and fiercest dinosaurs that ever walked the face of the earth.

Some finds made on the Kem Kem Plateau include those of Spinosaurus, a huge carnivore, which is known to have been larger than the T. rex and had a crocodile-shaped snout. Other fossils are of other Lycophodes with their elongated snouts as well as many other dinosaurian fauna that occupied the same terrains; these include the remains of Carcharodontosaurus, a large carnivorous dinosaur, and several species of giant pterosaurs that were flying reptiles that existed in the land dominated by dinosaurs.

Visiting the Kem Kem Plateau visit brings a historical feel because one is privileged to see a real annual relic of past life in its natural environment. Dinosaurs fossils collecting in this area can be very rewarding but at the same time it is a test in scientific application and adventure since the fossils are embedded deep in ground covered with sand and rocks. While some of the forays to the plateau are made by professional paleontologists and scientists, occasional fossil hunters can also go to the plateau through guided tours and fossil digging.

However, apart from its paleontological importance, the Kem Kem Plateau also holds important cultural values. The local population of the region are the Berber people, who have long been in the territory and got used to its climate and history.

While in Kem Kem Plateau, one can discover the Berber culture, traditions, arts, and agriculture practices that are still bound to the soil.


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