Research has revealed the factors that will cause people to disappear from the world in a short period of time

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In the world we live in at this time at least 7577130400 people are counted according to the recently published figures all these people live in freedom and others in problems which causes people to die from diseases accidents good things Ending in the world people understand it in different ways some scare them others feel that it will not happen but even now it is possible that we will accept that one day a human mother will disappear completely But what would convince us

Many people think that maybe the end of the world can come from the big stones that can multiply the world as it is written in different books or played in many movies but what ends the world can also come from the following

Unexpected volcanic eruption

In 1815 a volcano erupted on Mount Tambora in Indonesia killing 70000 people The eruption of this volcano caused the atmosphere to fill with smoke the solar radiation reaching the earth decreased and this year is called the year without summer spring

This has led many people to wonder what happened and there are reports that there are many people who may have died from other effects from the eruption of this volcano However he is disputed by various historians

Climate change

The United Nations Health Organization WHO and the World Economic Forum World Economic Forum show that while there is nothing to do with climate change from climate change it is causing the world to go into a crisis in this year 2019

The fear of researchers working for these communities is based on solar radiation reaching the Earth which is usually trapped in the atmosphere and causing extensive damage to the worlds water shortages which will lead to drought and famine

Earthquakes from volcanic eruptions have caused extensive damage in Taiwan in recent years

Epidemic diseases around the world

The United Nations Health Organization WHO points out that epidemics can increase as peoples intelligence increases These epidemics would take the lives of many at the same time as what happened in the past years and is still happening in different countries

Here we can say that the Ebola epidemic has killed many people in recent years in West Africa in the countries of Liberia Sierra Leone and Guinea Currently this epidemic continues to kill those who did not live in the country of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Dont forget the Yellow fever epidemic that has taken many people and things to the South of the United States in recent days

In 2019 can this disaster reach the people of the world

The United Nations Health Organization shows that this risk would reach the people of the world at a rate equal to this

Included epidemics such as disease could affect the worlds population by 15 percent

 Nuclearpowered wars that would take the lives of nonseditors could affect the worlds population by 06 in 2019 At this rate too much sun can cause a lot of damage to the world this year

A different volcano eruption should also worry people and always be more prepared for those living in volcanic areas because it could erupt and cause more damage in 2019 at a rate of 0001 according to the United Nations Department of Health WHO shows

Its just possible that Governments and governments and international organizations would do something to prevent some of these disasters according to British historian and journalist Sir David Attenborough


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