Shocking Discoveries: 80% of Endangered Species Remain Unknown to Science

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A group of biologists reported that 80% of species of species have not yet been discovered and that the concern is that many of them will disappear from the world undiscovered due to human activities that attack them

These scientists from Yale University in Connecticut USA and another from Brazil have published a world map showing where they believe that there are many species of organisms that are small in size (micro-organisms) that have not yet been discovered and can be destroyed due to the destruction of their habitats both in dense forests on the ocean floor and elsewhere

They believe that so far the species discovered is between 10% and 20%

Climate warming (climatic réchauffement/global warming) has led to climate change (climate change) which also causes some species to die due to being in an unbearable situation (extinction des espèces animals/animal species extinction)

Species that have already broken or are in the process of breaking are estimated to be in the millions

One of the scientists who wrote the report on the above research named Prof Walter Jetz says that there are undoubtedly species of species that have not been discovered and can be extinct on Earth without being discovered

He said:  I am saddened by the fact that we have little knowledge about the species we have discovered so far and we have a lot of other things that we have not yet discovered Generations that will replace us have a lot of work to do to close this gap

The research they have achieved will help scientists see that they have a lot of work to do it will stimulate their brains and start looking for ways to protect these organisms and thus find ways to research them to identify and protect them

Another scientist from the University of Paraiba named Professor Pario Moura from Brazil says that undiscovered organisms make up a large part of attention and require human intervention

So that scientists can make an estimate of undiscovered species based on the analysis of vertebrate animals (les vertèbres) in 32,000 species that have been discovered so far

Their figures found that there are 290,000 other animal species that have not yet been discovered

On the other hand these scientists found that there are very small and very large species that have not been discovered so far because their habitat is a place where people have not yet arrived

The fact that people have not yet reached the place where these organisms live is one of the reasons why they do not know their importance and thus kill them in the future through the destruction of the atmosphere and that is when these organisms live

Moura said:  The chances that we will discover these species are not equal for each of them There will be things that we don’t know about!”

He also says that when samples of the dates of certain animals are discovered they show that the slower people get rain the more likely they are to disappear from Earth without being discovered the more they increase

He gives a specimen of a species of frog called Brachycephalus guarani that was discovered in 2012 but so far only a few remain

Also related to this point is that the fact that this species of frog was discovered recently shows that if research continues it will discover many other species of frogs (Les Amphibiens, Amphibians)

A species of this frog was discovered in Brazil

Scientists also believe that many undiscovered species of animals dominate Brazil, Madagsacar, Colombia, Indonesia and elsewhere, especially in South America and Asia in the Himalayan mountain range


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