Some of the symptoms of vaginal’ infections in women

Amani Nesta
3 Min Read

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This infection can be caused by poor hygiene, the fact that a woman or girl can become infected in unprotected sex, and elsewhere.

The website Doctissimo, thanks to this story, reports that contaminated water from the Piscine can also cause a woman or a girl to contract this disease.

What are vaginal infections characterized by?

The main symptom of this disease is abnormal secretions from the female genital tract. Due to the type of insect that caused the disease, the mucus can have different colors, such as white, yellow, etc.

Among other signs, we can mention:

  • Sexual hypothyroidism
  • Aggressive pain
  • Feeling sexy
  • Pain during sex
  • Going to bed in pain
  • Swelling of some of the posterior genital organs

How is this disease diagnosed?

A vascular specialist diagnoses the disease, and he takes a test to see the cause.

Is this disease curable?

Yes it is treated and cured. It is good that when you see some of the symptoms we have seen above, you should hurry to the doctor; they will see the reason for it, otherwise they will treat you. It is not good to treat any medicine if you do not go to the doctor to see the cause of this disease and also prescribe prescribed medicine.

Advice for women and girls from health professionals

– Wash 1 or 2 times a day
– Avoid using soap to wash their genitals
– Greetings after bathing (Bien sécher la vulve après chaque toilet)
– Not to continue wearing underwear when wet.
– Condoms are always used when a girl or woman has sex with different people.

– During menstruation, a woman or a girl, must often change the equipment she uses to clean herself.

– When leaving the bathroom, a woman or a girl is asked to clean herself and lead to the back so that the dirt does not go from the waist to the penis (Aux toilets, s’essuer d’avant en arrière pour éviter de ramener les germes de l’anus vers le vagin).

– Avoid tight clothing.
Burn your underwear in a sunny place and even get wet.

Amani nesta

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