The Effect of Space Travel on the Human Circulatory System

Prince Parfait
4 Min Read

Space travel is among the most wonderful experiences of human wisdom; however, it brings some special challenges that affect the functioning of the human body, which includes the circulatory system. This shift of gravity, meaning leaving the gravitational Earth and joining the gravity-less space, has large effects on cardiovascular health and portends both short- and long-term consequences for astronauts.

Conversely, there is a fluid shift in the body within a space environment of microgravitational force. Here on Earth, gravity continuously draws blood—and other body fluids—down to the lower parts of our body. In space, the lack of gravity shifts fluids in the opposite direction—upward to the upper body, which is now the head.

The consequence is some very severe cardiovascular-related problems. The very initial problem is quite obvious: facial puffiness and nasal congestion, an effect also known as “moon face” on astronauts. An additional impact of microgravity is the collection of increased blood volume in the upper body, a situation that again causes headaches and increased pressure in the eyes.

It has been revealed through studies that the total blood volume of an astronaut may reduce to a 20% level due to space travel. This decrease happens as the body compensates for the changed distribution of fluid by decreasing the production of red blood cells and plasma. Although the body does eventually compensate to some extent, this early reduction in blood volume can occur and cause orthostatic hypotension, which is when astronauts may experience dizziness or fainting when rising from a supine position.

Specifically, space travel affects blood pressure, and the cardiovascular system tends to cushion it. Under normal conditions on Earth, the effect of gravitational forces and a number of physiological mechanisms stabilizes the BP. When these usual cues to blood pressure regulation are presented in a different, usually exaggerated manner, as occurs in microgravity, then maintaining blood pressure at stable levels becomes a challenge. This can complicate adaptation upon return to Earth for the astronaut, manifesting in cardiovascular events, hypotension, and postural instability.

The heart’s size and the level of its cardiovascular deconditioning can be related to the time spent in microgravity; this means that the longer a person remains in microgravity, the less the heart has to work in space. This deconditioning occurs because the efficiency of the heart muscle becomes compromised while working at a less intense level, which causes the heart muscle to weaken and potentially result in decreased cardiac output, making it hard to readjust to gravity when someone lands.

To offset these changes, space agencies adopt a range of countermeasures that include specially designed exercise protocols and fluid-loading procedures to maintain the cardiovascular health of astronauts. The implementation of routine physical exercise, especially resistance-type training, would not only reduce muscle atrophy in space but also prevent the disruption of cardiovascular function.

In conclusion, space creates hard pressure on human circulation, as microgravity critically influences fluid distribution, blood volume, and blood-pressure regulation. Although the body does adapt somewhat, the effects of such adaptation emphasize the necessity of current studies and countermeasures for astronaut health and performance. As such, cardiovascular understanding and readiness must be prioritized for the furtherance of successful missions and the future of space travel.


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