The exception to Mount Everest has already killed more than 300 tourists

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The Himalayan Database website shows that more than 330 tourists have died on the tallest mountain in the world Everest, since 1950 when modern data began to be stored until 2019

Everest is an 8,848-meter-high mountain located in the Mahalangur Himal region on the border of Népal and the Chinese-controlled Tibet region in the Himalayan mountain range

Conrad Anker who climbed this mountain on May 1, 1999 explained to CNN that when you go on this tour, you should think that even death is possible due to the local climate where there is extreme cold and high winds or the body lacks air

He said While you are in this place you give yourself peace and accept that your death and the death of others are possible If you are above 8000 meters and when the weather changes or your body loses oxygen it gets stronger quickly

The newspaper reported that it seems unlikely that a person will continue to live without ventilators while he is near the top of this mountain which is considered zone of death as it is reduced to 40%

Dr Jacob Weasel explained that in order to climb this mountain you must first get used to physical exercise regularly which made it difficult for some people no matter how they trained

He said No matter how you train when you reach the end of your human body ability it becomes difficult Hard to survive This is where the tourist needs these breathing apparatus

During the doctor s trip to Everest he explained that as he climbed he saw the bodies of tourists who died on it which he took for granted because in his work he is used to seeing dead people

The disease that affects most people who eat this mountain is called HACE (High Altitute Celebral Edema) It is caused by a significant reduction in Oxygen in the brain which has side effects including excessive sleep speech and difficulty thinking

As he climbed the mountain he began to think loudly listening to the voices of people he thought were behind him the brain showing him a picture of his children and a woman in a local rock and he had left them at home the doctor said

During this tour Dr Weasel was with his friend Orianne Aymard who failed to continue the journey due to the fact that he had broken his foot in the rock only to decide to leave him five minutes later

In a message of remorse the doctor said I have been training for more than 10 years to help others as surgeons To get to the point where someone needed help but nothing to help them those thoughts of feeling like nothing was difficult for me

Alan Arnette who arrived at Everest in 2014 explained that if a fellow tourist is seriously injured or dies on this mountain it is already known that you should leave him

He said What many groups do to honor the one who mourns takes his body and places it where people do not see Sometimes they don t like it because of bad weather or because the bodies are cold on the mountain So it’s hard to get them

Arnette explained that when you see a body on Everest Humble down pray for that person otherwise continue your journey For him it becomes like a serious road accident a normal person has nothing to do with it

It was found that some tourists stopped the mountain s climbing journey and returned to the ground after a period of between 20 minutes and one hour Arnette was also once depressed but remembers that she was doing it to get support for her mother s Alzheimer s disease

He said I wanted to do it to raise money for my mother who was suffering from Alzheimer s disease and to give her honor

The Nepalese army and their tour guides usually rescue the wounded or even go to transport the bodies using helicopters but this is also difficult due to the height of this mountain and the local weather it makes some rescuers risk life or do not do their job well

In 2023 18 tourists died on Everest, including only 13 Most of those who died in one day were 12 who were in charge of the tourist guide service who were killed by the rocks in 2014


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