The most powerful nuclear bomb you didn’t know about

Prince Parfait
3 Min Read


It was unmatched in its destructiveness and uselessness. The Tsar Bomba was the most complicated weapon to test, and by its weight, it was the most powerful bomb man had ever produced. Bringing it to an airplane for testing was not that easy.

Nuclear warheads are the head of all bombs when it comes to weapons of mass destruction. According to estimates done recently, there’s around 12,500 nuclear warheads that exist globally. Russia’s got around 5,900, and the United States possesses around 5,244 nuclear weapons.

A majority of those nuclear weapons are either in storage or retired. In fact, both the United States and Russia have only about 1,600 active, deployed strategic nuclear warheads each. That’s still 3,200 nuclear warheads, quite enough to cause plenty of devastation.

These also include the United Kingdom, France, and China, all of which are ‘legally’ recognized as possessing nuclear weapons despite their relatively small quantities. As an illustration, consider China, which the US Department of Defense estimates only has 500 active nuclear weapons. Naturally, the specifics of nuclear weapons—including their capabilities—are “classified.”

What we do know is that the most powerful of these weapons are around the 1.2-megaton yield, which is the equivalent of one million tons of conventional explosives such as artillery shells, grenades, and airborne bombs loaded with TNT. Most nuclear missiles, or ‘ICBMs’, can carry 6–8 separate nuclear warheads with an average yield of 400 kilotons each.

There were bombs that were far more powerful and devastating. There is a famous nuclear device called ‘Tsar Bomba’, also known as ‘Big Ivan’. But there may be a couple of things you didn’t know about this awesome, inspiring nuclear device. It was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever made and tested on Earth, releasing the largest man-made explosion ever recorded in history.

A new study and observations put the yield of the explosion from Tsar Bomba at 57 megatons, or the equivalent of 57 million tons of TNT.It remains unmatched in both its destructive force and futility.
The Tsar Bomba was the hardest bomb to test but also the most powerful bomb ever made by humanity due to its weight. Installing it on an airplane for testing was difficult.


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