The Top 10 Ocean Biodiversity Hotspots to Protect

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As the two big pools of water covering over 3/4 of the earth’s surface, our oceans are rich in species diversity. They hold a host of possible species, and many of them are endemic to the areas.

It must be highlighted that it is rather important to protect these areas inhabited with different species of marine life, not only for species in particular but for the entire globe and its environment. Below are ten of the most important ocean biodiversity locations that require protection.

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is one of the largest and one of the most bio diverse regions in the world. Stretching across more than 2,300 km along the Queensland coast, it sustains over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, seabirds and marine mammals. However, this World Heritage site is under serious threat from climate change, coral bleaching and pollution.

The Coral Triangle, Southeast Asia

The Coral Triangle is called the ‘‘Amazon of the seas ‘’and includes the seas surrounding Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste. It is the world’s marine diversity hub since it provides 76% of the entire global coral type and over 2000 fish species.

The Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador

The islands that should be noted are Galápagos Islands that are located in the Pacific; these locations are famous for certain species and played an important role in the development of the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. The marine ecosystem is relatively untouched due to the geographical location of the islands, and various wildlife is present and is endemic to the region, including the Galápagos penguin, sea lions, and various types of sharks and rays.

The Mesoamerican Reef, Central America

The second largest coral reef system is the Mesoamerican Reef, and it is located in Mexico, covering a length of over 1000 kilometers in Honduras. The water here is rich with nutrients and hosts more than 500 kinds of fish and 60 kinds of coral. The reef plays an important role in the area, acting as a barrier to the sea waves and supporting fishing activities and tourism.

The Bering Sea, Arctic Ocean

Goods that will help orient the client are Alaska in the United States and Russia and the Bering Sea, which are central for marine life. It sustains a diverse population of species, for example, walruses, polar bears, and fish, among others. Climate change is evident over the region, especially new sea ice and ocean temperature.

The Amazon Reef, Brazil

The Amazon Reef was discovered quite late, is located off the Amazon River Mouth, and encompasses a large geographical area. In particular, it is a new hotspot of marine diversity since coral structures serve as a home for many fish and invertebrates. Oil exploration and logging in the nearby Amazon basin pose a threat to it, so any conservation efforts are crucial to maintaining this young reef system as a priceless asset of the earth.

7. The Ross Sea, Antarctica

The Ross Sea is situated at the southernmost point of the Pacific Ocean and is considered one of the most pristine regions in the entire world. They include the origins of large populations of Antarctic krill, penguins, and seals and as active carbon sinks in the world.

Both fishing activity and climate change will pose threats to the region if fishing persists, as will be covered in more detail below: Creation of MPA in Ross sea is inevitable in order to protect the area in its natural state.

The Seychelles, Indian Ocean

The country comprises of several islands in the Indian Ocean and is famous for its beautiful coral garden and a variety of sea species. Some of the features are giant tortoise and several fish species which are endemic to the region. Climate change and tourism are some of the dangers that threaten the marine environment of the Seychelles coast. Conservation of this area is crucial in so far as its biogeographic diversity is concerned, as well as the welfare of residents in the area.

The Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Ocean

The Hawaiian islands have variety of marine environment like coral reef, kelp forest and deep sea environments. Some of the endemic species that can be found on the islands include the Hawaiian monk seal and the state fish of Hawaii, the humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa.

The Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea hosts a large number of endemic species and is considered one of the world’s most biodiverse regions, with predominantly temperate and subtropical species. This management can support many different habitats such as seagrass beds, coral reefs, and deep-sea communities.

The Mediterranean is at great risk from fishing, pollution, and destruction of habitats. It will also be important to ensure that the region is protected so that it can support its biological diversity and other related ecological systems.


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