Understand how technology is ruining our generation mentally.

Amani Nesta
3 Min Read

Image by freepik

We all know that our technology is changing our world, our devices allow us to do things that were previously unimaginable. But you can ask your self “is that a good thing or not”, does our devices bring as together or are they separating us or are we more alone than before? Are we more connected to knowledge or just more likely to believe misinformation.

We know that technology helps as to save lives but, what about the health risks from being so sedentary, are we more distracted or are we more engaged. What are the effects of adding metrics to our social interactions and what does it mean that you can publish anywhere at anytime and share your voice with the world.

Explore the pros and cons of technology and defend whether it’s making better or worse here on earth.

Social media tools are designed to be addictive, the actual design desired use case of these tools is that you fragment your attention as much as possible throughout your waking hours, that’s how these tools are designed to use well we.

Have a growing amount of research which tells us that if you spend large portions of your day in state of fragmented attention. So, large portion of your day we are constantly breaking up your attention to take a quick glance to just check them just quickly look at Instagram that this can permanently reduce your capacity for concentration.

Most people are worried about this when we look at the younger generation coming up which is the most saturated this technology.

It’s literally rewiring our brain even social media challenges with terms like Facebook depression and everything  because it’s that. This is social media depression because where’s everyone’s looking at their feed and they’re comparing their lives to other people that highlights of other people’s lives and there’s actually  less satisfaction or sadness.

It seems like technology is making most people less productive and less concentrate instead of developing and rising up level of their skills and knowledge. Technology is needed in our life but, most of us are not using it as it would be used.



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