What you should know about the ’Triangle des Bermudes’, which is said to have swallowed ships and planes

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Triangle des Bermudes is a fictional area surrounded by Miami Bermuda and Puerto Rico and this area is where various ships and aircraft have disappeared and nothing has been reported to have arrived

Ships and aircraft have been reported missing as they travel through the air and into the waters of the area not because of the effects of climate change or because the occupants did not respond

It has since been suggested that there may be other forces such as supernatural spirits underground forces and others due to different human concepts

But it turned out that there is nothing special about it unlike other parts of the Atlantic Ocean where this area is also located

Land and water explorer Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to what he called the New World is said to have seen a spark of fire fall into the Sea and a few weeks later a strange light appeared

In March 1918 when the USS Cyclops a US military cargo ship was 542 feet long with 300 people and 10000 tons of manganese ore it sank between Bardbados and Chesapeake Island

Those on board did not show any sign of need for help When the ship was searched it was no longer there or its remains were found The ship and its contents have all disappeared so far

The then president of the United States Woodrow Wilson said that only God and the sea are aware of the disappearance of the ship It means that every time they searched for the ships disappearance they never cut anything white

Later in 1941 two more Cyclopsclass submarines disappeared in the same manner as the first one near where the first warning was made

This time there began to be questions about what was causing it to be international to think that up to three ships would warn in one place and there was no sign of problems in the water or problems of climate change

It got to the point where the ship crossing the Triangle des Bermudes was either missing or found but appeared to have been abandoned for a long time

In December 1945 five US Army bombers containing 14 men took off from Fort Lauderdale Airfield Florida for surface bombing training Their former leader disappeared when his domain was not functioning properly

All five planes remained in the air searching for their leader and then encountered Benzenes lack of flight time due to long orbits and immediately fell into the sea

That day the rescue plane and its 13 crew members were also reported missing Surprisingly after several weeks of research the perpetrators failed to find any evidence of all these planes A Navy report said it was as if they had warned about the planet Mars

In 1964 various mysterious accidents occurred in the area including the crash of passenger planes and the loss of a survivor It was then that the writer Vicent Gaddis wrote and coined the term Triangle des Bermudes which was also the first time the term became popular and was published in a newspaper

Since then in the 20th century many authors have written that this area had already been given the name of the Triangle des Bermudes which kills everything that passes through both the local air and the water

Scientists have observed that there may be gravitational waves in the atmosphere or there may have been a strong explosion of Methane gas in the ocean on the ground thus causing any explosion to occur

In all the studies that have been done there is no evidence that there is anything unusual that causes this mystery

The US Navy says that in a review of several aircraft and ships that have been warned to be in the water over the years, nothing has been discovered to indicate that they were killed by another unusual incident No unusual sightings have been reported in the waters of the area known as the Triangle des Bermudes



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