You should stop working on your nose; here’s why

Amani Nesta
3 Min Read

Something called nose-to-nose touching using a handkerchief is not only for children but also for adults. Many people do it a lot, and there are those who do it without intending to clean it, but it is something that they have learned in life.

But there is a very serious health risk that people can attract just because they put their hands in their noses at all.

Is it true that there are small cracks in the nose?

So what is known in the nose is that there are very small blood vessels, ”5 small arteries,” and there is also very soft tissue so that it can be injured when touched often.

So when I told you that Gahu is injured by danger, you get out of the way because of all the five noses that feed in the front of the nose.

Can microbes really enter the infection?

In that wound of your skin and your illness, small insects called microbes can enter.

These insects continue to circulate in the blood, and the longer they spend in the blood, the more they give birth to other insects, and they multiply and spread throughout the body.

Can these insects cause various other diseases?

The most important thing that everyone should know is that these insects can cause many different diseases. Here I would give an example such as septicemia, septic shock, and meningitis. It is very high that a person can get infected whenever these microbes reach his blood.

This nasal cavity is because of how easy it is and because many people like to have this habit of putting their fingers in their noses often. Sometimes your fingers are dirty and you put them in your nose, and maybe you are injured and infected.

Is it bad to work with a wounded nose?

If you find that you have any reason to leave your nose, don’t rush to work after a while, as doctors believe it may take less than five weeks to ensure that the skin is fully healed.

Another thing is that the advice you are given more than others is that you read this story, that you should learn to completely give up the habit of putting fingers in your nose and play a role in protecting your life from being attracted to yourself.

What I can tell you again is that all diseases you can get in this way can be treated and cured, but let’s keep in mind that prevention is more effective than treatment.

So let’s join hands and protect ourselves and everyone else in general.


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